I was a man. Or perhaps a woman. The trials of existence flew away after my seventh dose of Visumira. Now I mediate between others’ thoughts in a room of white. A sea waits outside, but I will never visit it. I’m in the perfect spot between heaven and hell.

God, I have to pee.

I’m a Verse soul. Yarns are too long. I stir images and emotions in my Xperiments kettle to create creamy soup.

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The doctorThe doctor is rapid in his maneuvers stabbing, tugging, stuffing its ugly liver on the limo’s leather seats. Who questions …, Macabre, Verses, Xperiments
It SketchesMy mind skipped over Forks and found the center. In this place, My mind It Helps me. Moral Mandy My …, Verses, Xperiments
Liquid CrystalA song And red veins Surge In sumptuous light. Moral Mandy A song And red veins Surge In sumptuous light., No, No, No, No, No, Verses
Healthy CircuitryI. Closed System In a corner of a room Gray blasts my window frames. My body slumps And eyes clump …, Verses, Xperiments