Lit Writ by Others

Welcome to Other Writers, a platform showcasing stories (Yarns) and poems (Verses) written by fictional authors, or “Other Writers.” My name is Administrator Andy. Because I’m the only adult on this site, the fake writers enlisted me to give you an overview.

Scroll down and you’ll find three sections.

  1. Other Writers — a list of the make-believe authors.
  2. Yarns — a catalog of stories written by these imaginary scribes.
  3. Verses — an inventory of poems penned by our bogus wordsmiths.

Click on any Other Writer and discover a short bio and a list of their works. Tap on a Yarn or Verse to explore the fictions created by these fictional writers.

Dying to know what the heck I’m talking about? Read the How It Works page. It’s my masterwork.

All Other Writers provide a sampling of their Yarn and Verse for free. But they lock the complete work behind a paywall. You’ll need to become a patron to bust through it. Learn how here.

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The table below holds this site’s complete roster of Other Writers. Explore their bios and their chosen categories—from People Platters to “Awww,” Mills to Xperiments.

Know your favorite fake author’s name? Type it into the search box.

My BoyI raised My Boy to reflect the values you hold …
Gary GhostGary Ghost remembers when blood and bones composed his life. …
Rafael RenegadeHallo. My name is Rafael. They call me a renegade. …
Moral MandyI was a man. Or perhaps a woman. The trials …
Suzy Sci-FiI don’t write about myself. But I’ll give you my …
Hollywood HarrietHello. I’m Hollywood Harriet. I’ve worked everywhere in Hollywood, from …
Carl CollegeCollege was the best. You wore bedhead all day. You …

Below, find a list of sortable Yarns, or prose — short stories to novels. Tap the headings to sort alphabetically. Click the categories and tags to find Yarns that fit your mood. Or use the search box.

SarahTOn top of a rocky ridgeline, SarahT peers down at the Snail Trail, a dark gray, narrow …People Platters, Science Prediction, Yarns
Hunter CrewThe crew sweats in the Honda, parked in the dwindling lot of Ray’s Coffee Shop. Kelly and …Nerve Rackers, No, No, No, No, No, Yarns

The list of Verses or “poems” below function like the Yarns listed above. Sort the works alphabetically. Tap a category and tag. Or get granular and type into the search box.

The doctorThe doctor is rapid in his maneuvers stabbing, tugging, stuffing its ugly liver on the limo’s leather …Macabre, Verses, Xperiments
It SketchesMy mind skipped over Forks and found the center. In this place, My mind It Helps me. …Verses, Xperiments
Liquid CrystalA song And red veins Surge In sumptuous light. Moral Mandy A song And red veins Surge …No, No, No, No, No, Verses
Healthy CircuitryI. Closed System In a corner of a room Gray blasts my window frames. My body slumps …Verses, Xperiments

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