Hello. I’m Hollywood Harriet. I’ve worked everywhere in Hollywood, from Script Supervisor to PA. I hated every moment. The people are horrible. The hours are inhuman. But their stories, both in front of and behind the camera, are top-notch.

My last day on set? We were shooting on a tourist boat on the Seine. Golden Hour. The Martini Shot. The director haunted the lower decks with diarrhea. The “stimulated” producers chatted incessantly in video village. I finally got the bickering leads in front of the cameras on the top deck and called “action” just as Notre Dame passed into view. They got their lines out. The big kiss. Cut! Check the gate!

Reviewing the footage, we found some nepo PA shoving his tongue down a local extra’s throat, blocking the view of the cathedral as it passed. I ran to the bridge, shoved some petty cash into the captain’s hands, and told him to pull a U-ey. He clipped a rich gal’s motorboat, but we got everything lined up. And action!

“Hey. Is that smoke?” one of the crew asked, peeking out the bay windows. Seconds later, flames crawled up Notre Dame’s wooden spire.

Yeah. It was that day. Good thing the cops met us on the dock to put me and the captain in cuffs. I would’ve taken that nepo PA out.

My Yarns explore People Platters and the intersection of the everyday and boob-tube realities.

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Hunter CrewThe crew sweats in the Honda, parked in the dwindling lot of Ray’s Coffee Shop. Kelly and Lynne, the co-directors, …, Nerve Rackers, No, No, No, No, No, Yarns