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On top of a rocky ridgeline, SarahT peers down at the Snail Trail, a dark gray, narrow footpath that cuts from horizon to horizon through an untouched Frosty Veil blanketing the rolling desert expanse. Gripping her spear, a steel pipe ground to a tapered point, she listens for shuffling below. When SarahT travels, she uses the Snail Trail to obscure her movements. Footsteps that veer off this common footpath and mark the Frosty Veil attract attention, and usually lead to patches of blood.

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Hunter Crew

The crew sweats up Kelly’s Honda. Kelly and Lynne, the co-directors, sit in the front. In the back, Stanley, the Director of Photography, and Spike and Rachel, the actors, scrunch together. They wait in the parking lot of Ray’s Coffee Shop. They scaled down today’s shoot. Just two scenes. But the morning’s already gone and they’re behind.

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