typed out by Administrator Andy

Hi, Administrator Andy here. Yet again, I’ve been drafted to explain the pillars on which the Other Writers platform stands: Yarns (prose) and Verses (poems). This page offers sortable lists where you can find works written by our gaggle of invented authors, or “Other Writers.”

Categories & Tags

The “innovators” behind Other Writers sorted the works into a labyrinth of bespoke categories and tags. Use them to stumble upon a Yarn or Verse that tickles your curiosity.

Here are Other Writers’ categories, which act like a quasi-creative genre system:

Here are Other Writers’ Tags, which tell mundane aspects of a Yarn and Verse:

  • Short read: works under 7,500 words (short stories)
  • Medium read: works between 7,500 and 15,000 words (novelettes and novellas)
  • Long read: works over 15,000 words (novels)
  • Simple: accessible ideas and language
  • Experimental: complex (or jumbled) ideas and language
  • Fire starter: may provoke a negative response
  • SFW&L: safe for work and life


The Other Writers provide for free a few lines or pages of their works before tossing up a paywall. Want to smash through it and get access to the entirety of their Yarns and Verses? Pry open your wallet. Become a patron.

Subscribe and we’ll warn you when an Other Writer publishes a new Yarn or Verse.


Yarns.” The Other Writers fabricated term for prose. Think short stories and novels.

Want to find one? Head to the list below. Discover various ways to sort and organize:

  • Or use the search box to dive deep in the weeds.
  • Click a category or tag to pick your poison.
  • Or use the search box to dive deep in the weeds.
      SarahTOn top of a rocky ridgeline, SarahT peers down at the Snail Trail, a dark gray, narrow footpath that cuts …People Platters, Science Prediction, Yarns, ,
      Hunter CrewThe crew sweats in the Honda, parked in the dwindling lot of Ray’s Coffee Shop. Kelly and Lynne, the co-directors, …Nerve Rackers, No, No, No, No, No, Yarns,


      Verses.” Another Other Writers make-em-up word for poems. These word-jumbles try hard to recreate various styles, from ballads to free verse.

      How can you choose one? Like the Yarns above, use the list below.

      • Tap columns to sort alphabetically.
      • Pick a category or tag to find all that are alike.
      • Or employ the search box and specify.
      The doctorThe doctor is rapid in his maneuvers stabbing, tugging, stuffing its ugly liver on the limo’s leather …Macabre, Verses, Xperiments,
      It SketchesMy mind skipped over Forks and found the center. In this place, My mind It Helps me. …Verses, Xperiments,
      Liquid CrystalA song And red veins Surge In sumptuous light. Moral Mandy A song And red veins Surge …No, No, No, No, No, Verses,
      Healthy CircuitryI. Closed System In a corner of a room Gray blasts my window frames. My body slumps …Verses, Xperiments,

      Okay. That’s it. Any more questions? Oh…Uh-huh…Okay…Alright. Just send me a message. You’re on my to-do list. (Way at the bottom.)